Data Literacy Index
Data Literacy Index
How Data Literate are you
as a company employee?
Data-literate employees earn an average of 20% more than their peers.*
Assess your data skills and learn how to improve them.

How Data Literate are you as a company employee?
Data-literate employees earn an average of 20% more than their peers.*
Assess your data skills and learn how to improve them.
Vision and goal
According to Qlik, data-literate employees earn an average of 20% more than their peers who lack data proficiency.
We want to study whether this causality exists in Kazakhstan.
Today, companies are actively pursuing the adaptation to innovations in the field of data analytics. However, the introduction of advanced analytics tools is not the whole story - promoting data literacy in a company starts with the people.

What do we assess?
The assessment consists of questions designed to test key data skills:
Data-driven transformation
Build a roadmap on improving the Data Literacy in your organization based on relevant statistics.
Participation in the study will allow you to find out the prevailing problems on the way to data literacy development in your field, while the competence of our company will suggest the direction for their resolution.
Contribution to the Scientific Development
The lack of extensive statistics in the field of Data Literacy in the Kazakhstani market is one of our main motivations.
We intend to fill the existing gap by examining current trends in order to subsequently form an in-depth analysis.
By participating, you will contribute to the field of research and development in Kazakhstan and contribute to the prosperity of science.
Registering to participate in the study will also allow you to participate in the drawing of valuable prizes - data analysis training courses, books, and much more.
What's the value?
Data Literacy is the most critical for the future workforce
— Qlik Tech International AB

Data Analysis underpins strategic decision-making and improved productivity in various fields and industries.

For example, the analysis of data on consumer preferences can contribute to customer loyalty.

While the identification of patterns of dangerous diseases can be a determinant in the development of public health strategies and saving lives.
Our goal is to analyze how skilled Kazakhstani employees in various industries are in terms of data usage and explore the correlation between Data Literacy and financial performance of firms.
  • Understanding of Data Foundations

  • Communication using Data

  • Statistical Knowledge

  • Data Interpretation
  • Basic understanding of data types
  • Data format and structure knowledge
  • A critical presentation of the argument for effectiveness
data visualization
  • Assessing the effectiveness of visualizations in terms of data accuracy
  • Using data to identify problems in practical situations
  • Critical analysis of data context
  • Understanding of data analysis methods
  • Presenting arguments and results based on data in a coherent manner
  • Identifying simple patterns
Upon the completion of the test you will get
a personalized, detailed report assessing your skills against the criteria above and containing resources to improve your data literacy skills
Today, companies are actively pursuing the adaptation to innovations in the field of data analytics. However, the introduction of advanced analytics tools is not the whole story - promoting data literacy in a company starts with the people.

Data Analysis underpins strategic decision-making and improved productivity in various fields and industries.

For example, the analysis of data on consumer preferences can contribute to customer loyalty.

While the identification of patterns of dangerous diseases can be a determinant in the development of public health strategies and saving lives.
According to Qlik, data-literate employees earn an average of 20% more than their peers who lack data proficiency.
We want to study whether this causality exists in Kazakhstan.

Vision and goal
What do we assess?
The assessment consists of questions designed to test key data skills:
Data-Driven transformation
Build a roadmap on improving the Data Literacy in your organization based on relevant statistics.
Participation in the study will allow you to find out the prevailing problems on the way to data literacy development in your field, while the competence of our company will suggest the direction for their resolution.
Contribution to the Scientific Development
The lack of extensive statistics in the field of Data Literacy in the Kazakhstani market is one of our main motivations.
We intend to fill the existing gap by examining current trends in order to subsequently form an in-depth analysis.
By participating, you will contribute to the field of research and development in Kazakhstan and contribute to the prosperity of science.

What's the value?
Registering to participate in the study will also allow you to participate in the drawing of valuable prizes - data analysis training courses, books, and much more.
Data Literacy is the most critical skill
for the future workforce
— Qlik Tech International AB

Our goal is to analyze how skilled Kazakhstani employees in various industries are in terms of data usage and explore the correlation between Data Literacy and financial performance of firms.
  • Understanding of Data Foundations

  • Communication using Data

  • Statistical Knowledge

  • Data Interpretation
  • Basic understanding of data types
  • Data format and structure knowledge
  • A critical presentation of the argument for effectiveness data visualization
  • Assessing the effectiveness of visualizations in terms of data accuracy
  • Using data to identify problems in practical situations
  • Critical analysis of data context
  • Understanding of data analysis methods
  • Presenting arguments and results based on data in a coherent manner
  • Identifying simple patterns
Upon the completion of the test you will get
a personalized, detailed report assessing your skills against the criteria above and containing resources to improve your data literacy skills
Did you know...
The results of a study conducted among 9,000 employees worldwide suggest that only 25% of the surveyed employees are ready to use data effectively in their work.
And only 21% are confident in data literacy skills: the ability to read, understand, ask questions and work with data.
Besides, only 37% of employees trust their decisions when they are data-driven, and nearly half (48%) often rely on “gut feeling” when making decisions.
It was also found that...
Three-quarters (74%) of those surveyed report that they feel overwhelmed when working with data, which this affects their productivity.
At the same time, 36% are so overloaded with work that they are looking for alternative methods of completing tasks - avoiding data.
Six out of ten respondents (61%) report that too much data causes them a lot of stress. This results in almost a third (31%) of employees taking at least one day of sick leave.
Research results show that employees who are confident in their data skills are 50% more likely to feel capable of making the right decisions.
Moreover, 37% of respondents believe that learning how to work with data will help them work more productively.
are ready to use
data at work
are confident in their knowledge
trust their decisions
are under stress when dealing with data
Did you know...
The results of a study conducted among 9,000 employees worldwide suggest that only 25% of the surveyed employees are ready to use data effectively in their work.
And only 21% are confident in data literacy skills: the ability to read, understand, ask questions and work with data.
Moreover, 37% of respondents believe that learning how to work with data will help them work more productively.
It was also found that...
Three-quarters (74%) of those surveyed report that they feel overwhelmed when working with data, which this affects their productivity.
At the same time, 36% are so overloaded with work that they are looking for alternative methods of completing tasks - avoiding data.
Six out of ten respondents (61%) report that too much data causes them a lot of stress. This results in almost a third (31%) of employees taking at least one day of sick leave.
Besides, only 37% of employees trust their decisions when they are data-driven, and nearly half (48%) often rely on “gut feeling” when making decisions.
Research results show that employees who are confident in their data skills are 50% more likely to feel capable of making the right decisions.
are ready to use
data at work
are confident in
their knowledge
trust their

stressed when
dealing with data
Participate in a research
Participate in a national study and help improve the information literacy of the population.
Participate in a research
Participate in a national study and help improve the information literacy of the population.
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to write us.
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.
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